Thursday, April 28, 2011

Empty Nest

 Well, here I go again... empty nest, several empty nests in my yard.  But hopefully, Mom and Dad will soon be back, working to enlarge the population of bluebirds!

Last week, the babies were eating so often and so much, I bought the last 1,000 meal worms on a Saturday. By Tuesday, they were all gone, and we only feed them in the late afternoons.   So back to the pet store I went for more meal worms, in hopes of satifying screaming babies, and help Mom and Dad out.
Here are some pics of the feastings.                                          (Don't forget to double click images!)


It just so happens that the following Monday, when I tried to buy more meal worms, they had not receved any more.  So I bought baby crickets.  Bluebirds love to catch them in air.  But when I poured them in the cricket box on my deck, they were SO TINY, that they crawled through the mesh on the cricket box...they were everywhere.  so I gathered as many as I could, and poured them on the ground.  We had lots of interest, as Mom , Dad, and others hunted for the crickets.

 Most of the nests in our yard have hatched. Here are some pics of babies in the nests you saw earlier, some with babies, and some empty.
Bluebird Babies growing... 

and growing...

and growing...



Chickadees still growing...                                                             
and growing...
and still growing today!
House sparrows still growing

Jenny Wren and babies gone

For now, we are still feeding Mom and Dad every afternoon, during Bluebirds and Bourbon. If it turns out like last year, soon the babies will follow Mom and Dad to our deck and beg for food.  I hope we can show you.  We also hope to have more babies soon.(bluebirds, that is)

If not, well, we still have our hummingbird buzzing around, and I have monarchs to hatch!
Here are some pics of Mom and Dad taking worms back to the nest.




There is always something interesting in your own back yard.  I try to look for it everyday.
"Aint life grand?"
 ~Ethel Golson~
My highschool
10th grade English teacher. 
(teasing me about my first boyfriend)

At home on the bayou.




1 comment:

  1. Great Photography, great subject, and great stories!!! Thanks for sharing1 Can't wait to come over and watch the little piglets eat 4!!! worms at a time- Geeez! Also, can't wait to see baby girl, Cricket!
